Ohme, J., & Mothes, C. (2025). News snacking and political learning: Changing opportunity structures of digital platform news use and political knowledge. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 22(1), 1–15.
Mothes, C., Mellado, C., Boudana, S., Himma, M., Nolan, D., McIntyre, K., Kozman, C., Hallin, D. C., Amiel, P., Brin, C., Katherine Chen, Y.-N., Davydov, S., De Maio, M., Dingerkus, F., El-Ibiary, R., Frías Vázquez, M., Glück, A., Garcés-Prettel, M., Luisa Humanes, M., … Van Leuven, S. (2024). Spurring or Blurring Professional Standards? The Role of Digital Technology in Implementing Journalistic Role Ideals in Contemporary Newsrooms. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Advance online publication.
Mellado, C., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Van Leuven, S., Jackson, D., Mothes, C., Arcila-Calderón, C., Berthaut, J., Blanchett, N., Boudana, S., Chen, K. Y. N., Davydov, S., De Maio, M., Fahmy, N., Ferrero, M., Garcés, M., Hagen, L., Hallin, D. C., Humanes, M. L., Himma-Kadakas, M., … Viveros Aguilar, D. (2024). Comparing Journalistic Role Performance Across Thematic Beats: A 37-Country Study. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 101(1), 97–126.
Amiel, P., Baisnée, O., Berthaut, J., Gousset, C., Hubé, N., Maurer, P., Mothes, C., & Nollet, J. (2023). Permanences and mutations in the Frech and German media systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Communication, 48(3), 529-551.
Mellado, C., Blanchett, N., Stępińska, A., Mothes, C., Lecheler, S., Blanco-Herrero, D., Chen, Y.-N. K., Cohen, A. A., Davydov, S., De Maio, M., Dingerkus, F., Elhamy, H., Garcés-Prettel, M., Gousset, C., Hallin, D. C., Humanes, M. L., Himma-Kadakas, M., Kozman, C., Lee, M., Lin, C. I.-H., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Maza-Córdova, J., McGuinness, K., McIntyre, K., Mick, J., Milojevic, A., Navarro, C., Olivera, D., Pizarro, M., Sarasqueta, G., Silke, H., Skjerdal, T., Stanziano, A., Szabó, G., VanLeuven, S., & Zhao, X. (2023). Does news platform matter? Comparing online journalistic role performance to newspaper, radio, and television. Digital Journalism, 12(3), 376–399.
Mothes, C., & Ohme, J. (2022). Enlightening confusion: How contradictory findings help mitigate problematic trends in digital democracies. Media and Communication, 10(3), 89–92.
Fischer, T.-S., Kolo, C., & Mothes, C. (2022). Political influencers on YouTube: Business strategies and content characteristics. Media and Communication, 10(1), 259–271.
Ohme, J., Maslowska, E., & Mothes, C. (2021). Mobile news learning – Investigating political knowledge gains in a social media newsfeed with mobile eye tracking. Political Communication, 39(3), 339–357.
Mellado, C., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Mothes, C., & Humanes, M. L. (2021). News beat fluidity in civic, infotainment, and service role performance across cultures. Journalism Practice, 15(9), 1249–1271.
Mellado, C., Hallin, D., Cárcamo, L., Alfaro, R., Jackson, D., Humanes, M. L., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Mick, J., Mothes, C., Lin, C. I-H., Lee, M., Alfaro, A., Isbej, J., & Ramos, A. (2021). Sourcing pandemic news: A cross-national computational analysis of mainstream media coverage of COVID-19 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Digital Journalism, 9(9), 1261–1285.
Humanes, M. L., Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Silke, H., Raemy, P., & Panagiotou, N. (2021). Assessing the co-occurrence of professional roles in the news: A comparative study in six advanced democracies. International Journal of Communication, 15, 3558–3570.
Fawzi, N. & Mothes, C. (2020). Perceptions of media performance: Expectation-evaluation discrepancies and their relationship with media-related and populist attitudes. Media and Communication, 8(3), 335–347.
Ohme, J. & Mothes, C. (2020). What affects first- and second-level selective exposure to journalistic news? A social media online experiment. Journalism Studies, 21(9), 1220–1242.
Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Hallin, D., C., Humanes, M. L., Lauber, M., Mick, J., Silke, H., Sparks, C., Amado A., Davydov, S., & Olivera, D. (2020). Investigating the gap between newspaper journalists' role conceptions and role performance in nine European, Asian, and Latin American countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(4), 552–575.
Márquez-Ramírez, M., Mellado, C., Humanes, M. L., Amado, A., Beck, D., Davydov, S., Mick, J., Mothes, C., Olivera, D., Panagiotu, N., Roses, S., Silke, H., Sparks, C., Stępińska, A., Szabó, G., Tandoc Jr., E., & Wang, H. (2020). Detached or interventionist? Comparing the performance of watchdog journalism in transitional, advanced and non-democratic countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(1), 53–75.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., & Polavin, N. (2020). Confirmation bias, ingroup bias, and negativity bias in selective exposure to political information. Communication Research, 47(1), 104–124.
Loy, L., Masur, P., Schmitt, J. B., & Mothes, C. (2019). Psychological predictors of political Internet use and political knowledge in light of the perceived complexity of political issues. Information, Communication, and Society, 22(12), 1733–1750.
Mothes, C., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Pearson, G. (2019). The PFAD-HEC model: Impacts of news attributes and use motivations on selective news exposure. Communication Theory, 29(3), 251–271.
Mothes, C., & Ohme, J. (2019). Partisan selective exposure in times of political and technological upheaval: A social media field experiment. Media and Communication, 7(3), 42–53.
Schielicke, A.-M., Mothes, C., Marcenaro, V. (2018). Apropos Prohlis: A participatory art project in the run-up to Dresden as the European Capital of Culture 2025. Participations, 15(2), 229–242.
Mothes, C. (2017). Biased objectivity: An experiment on information preferences of journalists and citizens. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94, 1073–1095.
Von Pape, T., Trepte, S., & Mothes, C. (2017). Privacy by disaster? Press coverage of privacy and digital technology. European Journal of Communication, 32, 189–207.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., Johnson, B. K., Westerwick, A., & Donsbach, W. (2015). Political online information searching in Germany and the United States: Confirmation bias, source credibility, and attitude impacts. Journal of Communication, 65, 489–511.
Donsbach, W., Walter, C., Mothes, C., & Rentsch, M. (2013). Das Internet regelt das schon? Einblicke in das Nachrichtenverhalten Jugendlicher. Deutsche Jugend, 61(6), 254–264.
Donsbach, W., & Mothes, C. (2012).The dissonant self: Contributions from dissonance theory to a new agenda in studying political communication. Annals of The International Communication Association, 36(1), 3–44.
Donsbach, W., Rentsch, M., Mothes, C., & Walter, C. (2012). “If news is that important, it will find me”? Nachrichtennutzung und -wissen junger Menschen in Deutschland. Politische Bildung, 4, 138–152.
Mothes, C., & Ohme, J. (2022). Special Issue Media and Communication, 10(3) „Enlightening confusion: How contradictory findings help mitigate problematic trends in digital democracies”.
Brantner, C., Freiling, I., Hagen, L. M., Mothes, C., Schielicke, A.-M., & Weidmüller, L. (2017): Special Issue Medien Journal 41(2) „Digitale Revolution in der Demokratie“.
Drexler, C.E., Mothes, C., Hagen, L.M. (2024). Vorteil durch Qualität: Wie Crowdfunding-Journalismus im deutschsprachigen Raum von seinen Nutzer:innen bewertet wird. In: S. Kretzschmar, A. Sehl, & D. Nölleke (eds.) Innovationen im Journalismus (pp. 125–138). Springer VS.
Mothes, C. (2022). Gesellschaftliche Wertschätzung durch Gemeinwohlorientierung: Psychologische Herausforderungen und Ansatzpunkte im Journalismus. In Österreichischer Rundfunk, ORF (Hrsg.), Public Value Studie 2021/22: Öffentlich-rechtliche Qualität im Diskurs (pp. 128-163). ORF.
or direct link to PDF
Mothes, C. (2021). Die Rollen-Modelle. In M. Prinzing & R. Blum (eds.), Handbuch politischer Journalismus (pp. 328–334). Herbert von Halem.
doi/publisher link: Herbert von Halem
Schielicke, A.-M., Mothes, C., & Odermann, A. (2021). (A)Soziale Medien: Hasskommentare im Internet als Radikalisierungsmoment. In J. Schütz, R. Kollmorgen, & S. Schädler (eds.), Die neue Mitte? Ideologie und Praxis der populistischen und extremen Rechten (pp. 367 – 375). Böhlau.
Mothes, C., Schielicke, A.-M., & Raemy, P. (2021). Journalistic role performance: An organizational-level approach. In C. Mellado (ed.), Beyond journalistic norms: Role performance and news in comparative perspective (pp. 186–204). New York, NY: Routledge.
doi/publisher link: Routlegde
Mellado, C., & Mothes, C. (2021). Measuring the link between professional role conceptions, perceived role enactment, and journalistic role performance across countries. In C. Mellado (ed.), Beyond journalistic norms: Role performance and news in comparative perspective (pp. 147–166). New York, NY: Routledge.
doi/publisher link: Routlegde
Mellado, C., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Humanes, M. L., Mothes, C., Amado, A., Davydov, S., Mick, J., Olivera, D., Panagiotou, N. S., Pasti, S., Raemy, P., Roses, Schielicke, A.-M., S., Silke, H., Stepinska, A., Szabó, G., Tandoc Jr., E. (2021). Beyond journalistic norms: Empirical lessons on role performance in the news. In C. Mellado (ed.), Beyond journalistic norms: Role performance and news in comparative perspective (pp. 225–244). New York, NY: Routledge.
doi/publisher link: Routlegde
Mellado, C., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Humanes, M. L., Amado, A., Mothes, C., Silke, H., Stepinska, A., Szabó, G., Davydov, S., Mick, J., Olivera, D., Panagiotou, N. S., Pasti, S., Raemy, P., Roses, S., Schielicke, A.-M., Tandoc Jr., E. (2021). Mapping professional roles in news content across 18 countries: A descriptive overview. In C. Mellado (ed.), Beyond journalistic norms: Role performance and news in comparative perspective (pp. 67–84). New York, NY: Routledge.
doi/publisher link: Routlegde
Mothes, C., Harst, L., Freiling, I., & Hagen, L. M. (2018). Unterhaltung als Hedonismus und Eudaimonie — und Westworld als ihre Dekonstruktion. In B. Georgi-Findlay & K. Kanzler (eds.), Mensch, Maschine, Maschinenmenschen: Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Serie Westworld (pp. 89–108). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
doi/publisher link: 10.1007/978-3-658-21815-7_7
Mothes, C. (2017). Nachrichtennutzung in komplexen Informationsumgebungen: ‘Zufälligkeit’ als tragfähiges Konzept gesellschaftlicher Integration? In O. Jandura, M. Wendelin, M. Adolf, & J. Wimmer (eds.), Zwischen Integration und Diversifikation: Medien und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt im digitalen Zeitalter (pp. 65–81).Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
doi/publisher link: 10.1007/978-3-658-15031-0_5
Mothes, C. (2017). Confirmation bias. In F. Moghaddam (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior (pp. 124–125). Los Angeles: SAGE.
doi/publisher link: 10.4135/9781483391144
Donsbach, W., & Mothes, C. (2017). Selectivity paradigms and cognitive dissonance. In P. Rössler, C. A. Hoffner, & L. van Zoonen (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
doi/publisher link: 10.1002/9781118783764.wbieme0193
Mothes, C., & Schenk, S. (2016). “Medienwirkung trotz Selektion: Einflussfaktoren auf die Zuwendung zu Zeitungsinhalten” von Wolfgang Donsbach. In M. Potthoff (ed.), Schlüsselwerke der Medienwirkungsforschung (pp. 259–270). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
doi/publisher link: 10.1007/978-3-658-09923-7_22
Donsbach, W. & Mothes, C. (2016). Leon Festinger. In K. B. Jensen, R. T. Craig, J. D. Pooley, & E. W. Rothenbuhler (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (pp. 1–5). London: John Wiley & Sons.
doi/publisher link: 10.1002/9781118766804.wbiect027
Mothes, C., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (2015). Kurzfristige und langfristige Effekte von Nachrichten auf politische Informationsinteressen. In O. Jandura, T. Petersen, C. Mothes, & A. M. Schielicke (eds.), Publizistik und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung: Festschrift für Wolfgang Donsbach (pp. 105–123). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
doi/publisher link: 10.1007/978-3-658-04704-7_8
Donsbach, W., Degen, M., Freiling, I., Schielicke, A. M., & Mothes, C. (2015). Ein neuer Blick auf Politikverdrossenheit: Kompetenzgefühle und Einstellungen zur Politik angesichts komplexer Themen im Wahlkampf. In Akademie für politische Bildung (ed.), Die neue Offenheit: Wahlverhalten und Regierungsoptionen im Kontext der Bundestagswahl 2013 (pp. 199–220). Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
doi/publisher link: Campus Verlag
Schielicke, A. M., Mothes, C., & Donsbach, D. (2014). Vertrauen in Journalisten: Trends & Einflussfaktoren. In B. Stark, O. Quiring, & N. Jackob (eds.), Von der Gutenberg-Galaxis zur Google-Galaxis: Alte und neue Grenzvermessung nach 50 Jahren DGPuK (pp. 247–270). Konstanz: UVK.
doi/publisher link: Halem Verlag
Rentsch, M., & Mothes, C. (2013). Journalismus in der Selbstfindung: Der Wandel der öffentlichen Kommunikation zwingt Journalisten zur Präzisierung ihrer gesellschaftlichen Rolle. In T. Rössing, & N. Podschuweit (eds.), Politische Kommunikation in Zeiten des Medienwandels (pp. 71–99). Berlin: de Gruyter.
doi/publisher link: De Gruyter
Mothes, C. (2008). Die Theorie der kognitiven Dissonanz—fruchtbar oder obsolet? Neue Erklärungspotentiale einer alten Theorie am Beispiel der Politikverdrossenheit. In R. Geier, M. Wuttke, & R. Piehler (eds.), Medien und Wirklichkeit (pp. 150–166). Technische Universität Chemnitz.
doi/publisher link: open access
Jandura, O., Petersen, T., Mothes, C., & Schielicke, A. M. (2015) (eds.). Publizistik und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung: Festschrift für Wolfgang Donsbach. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
publisher link: Springer VS
Mothes, C. (2014). Objektivität als professionelles Abgrenzungskriterium im Journalismus: Eine dissonanztheoretische Studie zum Informationsverhalten von Journalisten und Nicht-Journalisten. Book Series “Aktuell. Studien zum Journalismus”, edited by C. Neuberger, A. Czepek, R. Hohlfeld, F. Lobigs, W. Loosen, & K. Meier. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
publisher link: Nomos
Mothes, C. (2024). Mareike Wieland: Informiert oder (doch nur) abgelenkt? Potenziale und Herausforderungen automatisierter Nachrichtenkontakte in mobilen sozialen Medien. Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 72(2), 223–224.
Mothes, C. (2019). Kümpel, Anna Sophie: Nachrichtenrezeption auf Facebook. Vom beiläufigen Kontakt zur Auseinandersetzung. Publizistik, 64, 537–539.
Mellado, C., & Mothes, C. (June 2024). How media users evaluate journalism: an experiment on effects of role performance on audience assessments of news stories. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia.
Mothes, C., & Prinzing, M. (May 2024). Was macht öffentlich-rechtlichen Journalismus wertvoll? Der 'Public Value' öffentlich-rechtlicher Medien aus Nutzer:innen-Sicht. re:publica, Berlin.
Kunze, D., & Mothes, C. (October 2022). The risk of the narrative: How storytelling may facilitate stereotypical thinking. 9th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Aarhus.
Mothes, C., Kolo, C., & Haumer, F. (June 2022). Social media influencers as entrepreneurial journalists? Professional and business prospects of upcoming political news influencers in international perspective. Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (emma), Munich.
Mothes, C., Mellado, C., Blanchet, N., Hagen, L., McIntyre, K., Mick, J., & Milojevic, A. (May 2022). The relationship between ideals, self-reported behaviors, and journalistic performance in an age of social media. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris.
Humanes, M. L., Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Silke, H., Lauber, M., & Panagiotou (September 2021). Assessing the multiple nature of professional roles in the news: A comparative study in six advanced democracies. 8th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), virtual conference.
Drexler, C., Mothes, C., & Hagen, L. M. (September 2021). Alternative Finanzierung von digitalem Journalismus durch NutzerInnen: Wahrgenommene Qualitätsvorteile von crowdfunding-finanziertem Journalismus im deutschsprachigen Raum. Tagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Journalistik/Journalismusforschung, Universität der Bundeswehr München.
Mothes, C., & Mellado, C. (2021). Misperceptions beyond the audience? Discrepancies between journalistic role performance and perceived role enactment. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), virtual conference.
Ohme, J., Maslowska, E., & Mothes, C. (2021). How smartphones affect political knowledge gains from episodic and thematic frames in a news feed. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), virtual conference
Ohme, J., & Mothes, C. (2021). Social media use on smartphones: Testing the relation between news post attention and political knowledge with the help of mobile eye-tracking. 8th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).
Mothes, C., & Ohme, J. (October 2020). Deliberative public discourse through civic self-affirmation: Testing a psychological intervention to reduce hostile media perceptions. Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), virtual conference.
Humanes, M. L., Mothes, C., Silke, H., Olivera, D., Davydov, S., Stepinska, A., Szabo, G., Amado, A., Mick, J., & Panagiotou (July 2020). The relation between thematic beats and role performance across countries. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
Ohme, J., & Mothes, C. (May 2020). News snacking, media diets, and the effects on a healthy portion of political knowledge. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), virtual conference.
Mothes, C., Szabo, G., & Fahmy, N. (May 2020). Journalistic autonomy reconsidered: Comparing journalists' role conceptions and their perceived role enactment across media systems. Panel presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Virtual Conference.
Fawzi, N., & Mothes, C. (February 2020). Die Leistungen der Medien in Zeiten von Populismus und Medienwandel: Ein Soll-Ist-Vergleich aus Publikumssicht, Poster to be presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK section 'Communication and Politics,' Mainz.
Mothes, C., Ohme, J., & Wellendorf, F. (September 2019). Political de-polarization through civic self-affirmation? Effects of self-affirmation on journalistic quality perceptions and political tolerance. Interim Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Poznań.
Odermann, A., Ohme, J., & Mothes, C. (September 2019). Algorithmic media use and the polarization of political attitudes in Germany: Exploring the moderating role of media literacy. Interim Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Poznań.
Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Humanes, M. L., Amado, A., Mick, J., Sparks, C. Wang, H., Silke, H., Lauber, M., Logunova, O., & Oliviera, D. (September 2019). The interplay between actual performance, reported behaviours and self-perception of journalists as political actors: A comparative study of nine established democracies and hybrid regimes. Interim Conference of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Poznań.
Mellado, C., Mothes, C., & Humanes, M. L. (August 2019). Explaining the gap between journalists' role conception and media role performance: A cross-national comparison. Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Toronto.
Mothes, C., & Ohme, J. (July 2019). News consumption in times of technological and political upheaval: Effects of partisanship and public sentiment cues on partisan selective news exposure in a social media setting. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Madrid.
Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Amado, A., Davydov, S., Mick, J., Olivera, D., Raemy, P., Roses, S., Silke, H., Sparks, C., & Wang, H. (July 2019). The gap between reported journalistic behaviors and role performance in the news: A cross-national comparison in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Madrid.
Humanes, M., Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Silke, H., Panagiotou, N., & Lauber, M. (May 2019). Ideal system typologies, convergence or hybridization? Journalistic role performance in six advanced democracies, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, DC.
Mothes, C., Ohme, J., & Wellendorf, F. (May 2019). Gesellschaftliche Verständigung durch bürgerliche Selbstwert-Bestärkung? Effekte von Selbst-Affirmation auf Qualitätswahrnehmungen politischer Informationen und politische Toleranz, Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Münster.
Raemy, P., Lauber, M., Beck, D., Schielicke, A.-M., & Mothes, C. (November 2018). Journalist’s practiced role performance across media systems and language cultures: An international comparison of Switzerland with Italy and Germany, Annual Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Lugano.
Márquez-Ramírez, M., Mellado, C., Humanes, M.L., Beck, D., Mick, J., Mothes, C., Olivera, D., Panagiotou, N., Pasti, S., Silke, H., Sparks, C., Stepinska, A., Szabo, G., Tandoc, E., Waheed, M., & Wang, H. (August 2018). Detached watchdog versus adversarial reporting: A comparative study of journalistic role performance in 18 countries, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Washington, DC.
Mothes, C., & Ohme, J. (June 2018). Can a ‘like’ change partisan news selection? The moderating role of social endorsements in partisan selective exposure to social media news in the 2017 German federal election campaign, Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Marrakesh.
Ohme, J., & Mothes, C. (May 2018). Following the voices? Effects of social endorsements on exposure to political content on social media, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Prague.
Hellmueller, L., Mellado, C., Humanes, M. L., Márquez, M., Adriana, A., Mick, J., Sparks, C., Olivera, D., Alonso, M. O., Mothes, C., Panagiotou, N., Haiyan, W., Szabo, G., Silke, H., Waheed, M., Tandoc, E., Stepinska, A., Beck, D., & Svetlana, P. (August 2017). Comparing journalistic interventionism in news content cross-nationally, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, Illinois.
Lavis, S., Mothes, C., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (November 2016). Entertainment values in American TV news. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association (NCA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Gottsacker, E., Filicky, T., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., & Lavis, S., (March 2016). Entertainment values in American satire and regular news broadcasts. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Mothes, C., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., & Pearson, G. (June 2016). The PFAD model of news exposure: Impacts of personalization, fragmentation, authority-disorder bias, and dramatization on selective exposure to political news, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka.
Mothes, C. (June 2016). Biased objectivity: Information preferences of journalists and citizens, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Polavin, N., & Mothes, C. (June 2016). How being a different American makes you feel good about yourself: Effects of selective exposure to international news on self-regard, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka.
Von Pape, T., Mothes, C., & Trepte, S. (June 2016). Between the right to be forgotten and the “celebrity hack:” Press coverage on digital privacy, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka.
Loy, L., Masur, P., Schmitt, J. B., Mothes, C., & Trepte, S. (June 2016). Politically informed in a complex world? Time affluence, self-efficacy, and need for cognition as predictors of political media use and political knowledge, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Interactive Paper Session, Fukuoka.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., & Polavin, N. (August 2015). Confirmation bias, ingroup bias, and negativity bias in selective exposure to political information, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco.
Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., Johnson, B. K., Westerwick, A., & Donsbach, W. (May 2015). Political online information searching before the 2013 German federal election: Confirmation bias, source credibility, and attitude impacts, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan.
Donsbach, W., Mothes, C., Schielicke, A. M., & Freiling, I. (May 2015). Spiral of dis-identification: A new look at negative attitudes towards politics, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan.
Donsbach, W., Schielicke, A. M., & Mothes, C. (May 2015). Ideal and factual professional roles in German journalism, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan.
Donsbach, W., Mothes, C., Schielicke, A. M., Degen, M., & Freiling, I. (September 2014). Spiral of dis-identification: Another look at reasons for negative political attitudes, Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Nizza.
Donsbach, W., Schielicke, A. M, Degen, M., Freiling, I., & Mothes, C. (November 2013). Wähleransprache und Wählermobilisierung angesichts komplexer Themen, Annual Conference of the Academy of Political Education, Tutzing.
Mothes, C. (September 2013). Torn journalist: Measuring psychological discomfort in the wake of attitude-consistent vs. norm-consistent selection decisions in journalism, 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, German Association for Psychology (DGPs), Würzburg.
Mothes, C., & Donsbach, W. (June 2013). The pro vs. the amateur: Do professional journalists make better news decisions?, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London.
Donsbach, W., Schielicke, A. M., & Mothes, C. (May 2013). Alles in einen Topf? Die Entgrenzung des Journalismus aus der Sicht des Publikums, Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Mainz.
Donsbach, W., Rentsch, M., Walter, C., & Mothes, C. (May 2012). It’s the profession, not the platform, stupid! The quality of news in Internet and traditional sources, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Phoenix.
Mothes, C. (June 2011). Does professionalization matter? A comparison of German journalists and non-journalists on selective exposure to attitude-consistent and counter-attitudinal political information, 4th International Conference “Communication and Reality,” Barcelona.
Mothes, C. (May 2011). On behalf of the public good? A comparison of German journalists and non-journalists on their handling of information from a cognitive dissonance theory perspective, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Graduate Student Preconference “Political Communication,” Boston.
Mothes, C. (May 2010). Back to the Roots: Innovationen der Selective Exposure Forschung für eine ‚new agenda‘ der Kommunikationsforschung, Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Ilmenau.
Mothes, C. (April 2006). Die Theorie der kognitiven Dissonanz: Fruchtbar oder obsolet?, 2nd Student Media Conference (Studentische Medientage), Chemnitz.
„Die Neue Mitte? Rechte Ideologien und Bewegungen in Europa“
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, 17.–19.09.2018
with Johannes Schütz (DHMD), Thomas Arnold (Katholische Akademie des Bistums Dresden-Meißen), Raj Kollmorgen (Hochschule Görlitz/Zittau), Michael Nattke (Kulturbüro Sachsen e.V.), Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie (TU Dresden), and Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Dresdner Symposium „Digitale Revolution in der Demokratie—Wie die Digitalisierung die Politik verändert: Trends, Mechanismen und Strategien dem zu begegnen“
TU Dresden, 08.–10.09.2016
with Lutz M. Hagen, Anna-Maria Schielicke, and Cornelia Brantner (Department of Media and Communication, TU Dresden)
Mellado, C., & Mothes, C. (December 2023). The dynamics of audience engagement with journalistic roles: an experimental approach. Research seminar, University of Oxford.
Mothes, C. (June 2022). Quantitative Online-Befragung. Virtual peer-learning session, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences.
Maurer, P., & Mothes, C. (June 2021). Lessons learned from surveying German journalists about their role conception: Some reflections on the field work and an overview of first results of the JRP survey. Workshop “The Journalistic Role Performance Projects (JRP) – Methodology & Early Results”, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Dijon.
Mothes, C. (January 2020). Politische Polarisierung als kommunikative Herausforderung für Demokratie und Journalismus, Research colloquium at the Department of Media and Communication, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich.
Schielicke, A.-M., & Mothes, C. (Oktober 2019). Der Journalismus ist tot, lang lebe der Journalismus: Ob, wie und wodurch sich das Vertrauen in Journalismus in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft verändert, 16. VDMO Treffen (Vereinigung der Medien-Ombudsleute), Sächsische Zeitung, Dresden.
Mothes, C. (August 2019). Wenn Wahrnehmungen kollidieren: Neue Herausforderungen für die Kommunikation, Dialog der Gastgeber – Landtagswahl 2019, Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Dresden.
Mothes, C., & Kadel, J. (July 2019). Wählerdiagnose: Desinteressiert/Polarisiert? Politische Kommunikation in Zeiten sozialen und technologischen Wandels. Dialog Sozialwissenschaften Sachsen der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dresden.
Mothes, C. (September 2017). Herausforderungen für soziale Integration: Wie lässt sich gesellschaftlicher Fragmentierung und politischer Polarisierung entgegenwirken?, Workshop "Medien in Konflikten”, Schader-Stiftung, Darmstadt.
Freiling, I., Hagen, L.M., Harst, L., & Mothes, C. (May 2017). Wie uns Unterhaltung unterhält: Erklärungen aus dem kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Theorienbaukasten am Beispiel von WESTWORLD, “WeiterSehen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Dresdner Serienforschung”, TU Dresden, Dresden.
Mothes, C. (January 2016). Wolfgang Donsbach als Mentor und Vorbild, Academic Commemoration in the Honor of Wolfgang Donsbach, TU Dresden, Dresden.
Mothes, C., & Garrett, R. K. (October 2015). Attitude-reinforcement vs. self-reinforcement in selective exposure to political information, Research Workshop “New Frontiers in Selective Exposure Research,” Haifa.
Mothes, C. (December 2014) Niche News and News Niches: Factors behind selective exposure to political news, Graduate student research colloquium at the School of Communication, The Ohio State University, Columbus (OH).